Time stretching now supported on Linux platforms!.If you don't see this file after auto-updating, manually download the update.New macOS launch script: now just double-click the run_mand file.If you're having problems or crashes with loading remixes, you will need a 64-bit version of Java, starting from v3.20.0 and onwards. This should be the only time this happens, so in updates after v3.20.0 you will be able to auto-update. You cannot auto-update to this version from v3.19! The directory structure has changed significantly, along with the launch scripts changing, due to the backend overhaul. Previous v3.20 changelogs: v3.20.0 AUTO-UPDATING ALERT: This is a monthly patch update in the v3.20 update series. Like what this open-source project does? Why not give it a Star in the top right corner?